Taking Advantage of React Routes

Christopher Kim
3 min readJun 23, 2021

When working on an app, routes can allow distribution of the data you want to show on your app, organizing your app into “sections”. The first thing to do in order to use routes is to install “react-router-dom”.

optional: “yarn add react-router-dom”

Next is to import it either in your App.js or, what I like to do is to put it in index.js:

By no means the only way. This is just what I like to do.
Alternate option in App.js

Putting <Router> in index.js however, allows less lines in your App.js.

Next, depending on whether you are using class or functions, you add <Switch>, <Route>, and optionally <Link> inside a <div>.

Within the <Route>, the exact path='/'gives my root path as my Login page containing various functions as props including my user information as well as my loginStatus. Depending on what props you want to pass down from App.js, you can pass them here. What’s happening is that your app uses the root url: ”http://localhost:3000" or ”3001", then adds the exact path='/' or /about.

Now, wherever you add a <Link to='/about> (other ways to do this), your app can “route” to that page:

Depending on what path you set the route to, your app will go there. Now it is up to you to fill the page accordingly.

React has many components and container files to spread out the workload, meaning that a single component generally has one job. In this sense, routes allows us to utilize this ideal to create a more categorical and organized app flow.

The biggest advantage of using routes in my opinion is the ability to go to a specific page for a specific object. For example, in my recent capstone project, I had a page that rendered the Premier League teams in card format. Clicking on the Team Card routed the page to that specific team’s show page holding ONLY that specific team’s information.

Routes in App.js(I did not fetch team data here)
Few of the team cards in /teams
Specific Show page for Arsenal Football Club. **All info/images for the teams are from an external api.**
Normally, it would show /teams/1 (:id) of the team, but in my case I added a slug option.

As seen in the examples shown, routes can be very useful to implement into your app. Without them, your app will most likely be a single page that takes forever to scroll down due to all the information/data provided. Routes not only make it user friendly, but it makes life as developers a lot easier.

